The Building a Quality Aged Care Workforce conference will address challenges in recruiting staff, particularly from younger demographics, to the aged care sector, and offer strategies to retain staff. It will also analyse how training can be improved to ensure the calibre of staff and their qualifications align with the traits and experience necessary to provide high-quality service to consumers. What will you gain by attending?
Who will attend?
Executives, directors, managers and business partners from home and residential aged care providers with responsibilities for:
Wed 21 Nov 2018 - Thu 22 Nov 2018Wed 21: 8:00 AM - 4:40 PMThu 22: 8:30 AM - 4:20 PM
Rydges World Square, Sydney
Name Criterion ConferencesPhone 1300 316 882Email customercare@criterionconferences.comLink Building a Quality Aged Care Workforce conference
Created 22nd August 2018
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