Brain Injury Australia’s 7th National Brain Injury Conference will be held, in partnership with the Melbourne Disability Institute, at the Melbourne School of Design on The University of Melbourne’s campus in Parkville on Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th October, 2019.
Founded in 1986, Brain Injury Australia is the nation’s peak advocacy organisation representing the over 700,000 Australians living with a brain injury. Alongside providing policy advice to Commonwealth, State and Territory governments, and representing consumers on a range of advisory groups, Brain Injury Australia also drives multi-year public education campaigns on: the leading cause of traumatic brain injury (TBI) – falls – due to the ageing of our population; people with a brain injury in the criminal justice system (as many as 80 per cent of adult prisoners report 1 or more brain injuries); the leading cause of death and disability in children who have been abused – inflicted TBI (sometimes referred to as “Shaken Baby Syndrome”); TBI in the military (1 in every 10 Australian Defence Force personnel who served in the Middle East reported a post-deployment TBI); women, domestic and family violence and TBI; and concussion in sport.
Brain Injury Australia’s annual Conference has become one of the premier learning and development events on the disability calendar – driving improvements in services and supports for people living with a brain injury, their families and carers.
The Conference’s partner, the Melbourne Disability Institute, was established in 2018 to catalyse interdisciplinary research and teaching that addresses complex, systemic, strategic and cultural problems facing people with disability, their families and carers. The Institute’s Executive Chair and Director is Professor Bruce Bonyhady, one of the key architects of the National Disability Insurance Scheme and was the inaugural Chairman of the National Disability Insurance Agency from 2013 to 2016.
Mon 28 Oct 2019 - Tue 29 Oct 2019Mon 28: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PMTue 29: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Melbourne School of Design, University of Melbourne, Parkville Victoria
To register, please click here.
Name Interpoint Events Pty LtdPhone 1300 789 845Email Brain Injury Australia’s 7th National Brain Injury Conference will be held, in partnership with the Melbourne Disability Institute, at
Created 3rd September 2019
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