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Carers NSW Conference 2022: There's nothing informal about carers

The term ‘informal carer’ is often used to describe someone who cares for a family member or friend, when in reality, there is nothing informal about the caring role.

The Carers NSW Conference 2022: There’s nothing informal about carers, will be held on Wednesday, 12 October 2022. The conference will be delivered online with an opportunity for delegates to meet some of the key speakers at an in-person networking event held on the evening of the conference.

  • Conference date and time: Wednesday, 12 October 2022, 8.30am – 4.00pm (online through EventsAIR)
  • Post-conference networking event: Wednesday, 12 October 2022, 5.30pm - 7.30pm (Level 22, Westpac Place, 275 Kent Street, Sydney NSW)

The conference will explore how important the use of language is when talking about carers, while also taking a deeper dive into some of the impacts that the caring role can have on individuals, families, communities and workplaces.

These impacts extend to areas such as social connectedness, employment opportunities and the overall health and wellbeing of carers. The recent pandemic and natural disasters have only increased these impacts for 'informal' carers.

The conference will also look at how we can improve the outcomes for carers and the people they care for in NSW through increased recognition and support, working better together and across systems, and examining the evidence and being informed.

Key themes that will be explored at the conference include:

  • The Cost of Caring
  • Carers’ Rights and Recognition
  • Partners in Care



Wed 12 Oct 2022, 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM




$80.00 per delegate

FREE to attend for carers and members of Carers NSW



Created 28th September 2022

Reads 1352