Due to popular demand LPA is providing this training to support home care providers be better prepared to commence 2024 with some clear directions about how to manage future challenges and opportunities.
A new role for care managers is emerging in the Support at Home program with care management to be a component of the proposed Clinical Care and Specialised Supports category and broader responsibilities including conduct of regular clinical and non-clinical check-ins, application of well-being and re-ablement approaches and extended co-ordination of care across multiple service types and providers.
This training will recap on the aspects of home care reform that will impact care management delivery and the role of care managers and will explore care management essentials including care management scope of practice, partnering with consumers, care co-ordination, interface with clinical care, and conduct of welfare and health check-ins.
Exploration of the way that future care management will be different from current approaches will enable participants to gain insight into what will be required to ensure that their care management model and practice remains fit for purpose and best practice in both the current and future home care environments.
Wed 6 Dec 2023, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Link https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/the-changing-role-of-care-managers-registration-764258928027?aff=EDM512&mc_cid=0cecbe3272&mc_eid=493d9d33cf
Created 5th December 2023
Reads 969