A series of online workshops have been developed to walk aged care providers through the specialisation verification process.
As recommended by the royal commission, the Department of Health and Aged Care established a Specialisation Verification Framework that allows providers to better demonstrate how their organisation delivers inclusive services for people who identify with one or more of the special needs groups listed in the Aged Care Act 1997.
The special needs groups include:
Since 27 February, providers who hadn’t had their specialisation claims verified by independent assessor Australian Healthcare Associates were removed from the My Aged Care profile.
Funded by the Australian Government, the series of free workshops – hosted by Eastern SSD Partnership, SSD Connect Alliance and Bayside City Council SSD – aims to help providers understand the verification framework and how it can benefit their organisations and communities.
Aimed at managers, quality personnel and other aged care staff who progress improvement plans across a service, the workshops will:
The format of the workshops include:
The workshop focusing on the needs of LGBTI people has already run. The next workshop is on 20 July and will focus on veterans.
Thu 20 Jul 2023, 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Link https://www.eventbrite.com/e/towards-specialisation-veterans-tickets-635199126687?aff=odcleoeventsincollection&keep_tld=1
Created 13th July 2023
Reads 878