Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) providers should now be aware that their CHSP funding agreement is to be extended until 30 June 2024 to align with the commencement of a single home care program from 1 July 2024.
The Department of Health and Aged Care recently released a provider update on the CHSP 2023-24 grant extensions to commence 1 July 2023, providing lead time to for CHSP providers to account for these changes. This update includes reference to the similarities and differences in current grant arrangements and adjustments to the CHSP national unit price range.
This meeting will openly review with ACCPA’s Home Care Membership the official guidance and change/risk management strategies/processes to support your preparation and implementation of the change requirements. A Department of Health and Aged Care representative will participate in the meeting.
Members with a CHSP funding agreement are encouraged to attend.
CEOs, COOs, CFOs, General Managers, Business Operations and Service Managers who provide CHSP funded services.
Russell Herald, Assistant Secretary, Home Support Operations, Department of Health and Aged Care
Jane Floyd, Home Care Specialist, ACCPA
Thu 9 Feb 2023, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
FREE for ACCPA Members
Email events@accpa.asn.auLink
Created 19th January 2023
Reads 1253