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AAA CAG Models of Care Webinar Event

This webinar designed to broaden our concept of what is Models of Care, and how it is experienced from different perspectives.

Recent work led by A/Prof Ann Dadich looked at the definition of what is 'Models of Care' in the literature, and noticed a wide variety of reported opinions. When this was raised at the latest AAA CAG Models of Care Working Group meeting, it prompted the discussion amongst the cohort about why a definition matters, how it is perceived differently depending on how you are accessing or implementing the models of care, and what common elements are amongst the models that are seen as "good models of care".

This webinar has assembled a brilliant panel of speakers to share their thoughts on what is models of care, as well as speakers from various perspectives (consumer, clinician and service provider) to share their experiences on what makes good models of care. Combining all this expertise in one place will hopefully help all attendees to re-think their current models of care - how they are defined, and how they can be improved.

More information can be found here


Fri 18 Nov 2022, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM






Name Age and Ageing Clinical Academic Group of SPHERE

Created 7th November 2022

Reads 816