What does inclusion mean to you? What makes an inclusive society? These are some of the questions that the Disability Royal Commission asks in its most recent Issues Paper, “Promoting Inclusion.” This free webinar will examine this important paper so you can best prepare your response.
Promoting an inclusive society in Australia is a continuing challenge and this work is far from complete. The Commission is keen to hear from you on this important topic, and this paper is an invitation for your feedback.
In this webinar, Troy Hester from Family Advocacy will use this paper to explore what inclusion means. He will also unpack its contents to reveal matters that you can provide examples and recommendations to the Commission, based on your own experience.
Thu 4 Mar 2021, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Please click here to register.
Name Family AdvocacyPhone (02) 9869 0866 or 1800 620 588Link "Disability Royal Commission: Promoting Inclusion Issues Paper"
Created 18th February 2021
Reads 1302