Day 6 of 32
The 2019 NCC Seminars will be presented by the ABCB and Standards Australia in February and March 2019. Registration is now open!
Representing the culmination of the first three year amendment cycle, the Seminars will inform practitioners involved with designing, approving or constructing buildings about important changes included in the latest edition of the NCC. Presentations will be held in all capital cities and this is your opportunity to hear about BCA focussed changes – don’t miss out!
Standards Australia will also outline details of changes to Australian Standards that are referenced in the NCC.
At the conclusion of the Seminars, two webcasts will be available; one covering amendments to the BCA and the other on amendments to the PCA.
For more information abou the dates and venues for the 2019 Seminars, please click here.
What to expect at NCC, please read here.
Tue 12 Feb 2019 9:00 AM - Fri 15 Mar 2019 5:00 PM
Please see website for registration details.
Name Loud EventsPhone (07) 3868 2882Link 2019 NCC Seminars
Created 3rd December 2018
Reads 34917