The Australian Government is committed to establishing at least one specialist dementia care unit (now known as Specialist Dementia Care Program or SDCP) in each of the 31 Primary Health Network (PHN) regions. The Department of Health has recently advertised for a targeted prototype service in December 2018, and will advertise a competitive phase one round of 14 sites in early 2019, implementing SDCP’s using a phased approach. Informed by evaluation outcomes from the prototype and phase one, further selection processes for an additional 20 sites will be undertaken in 2021. SDCP objectives are to provide specialist dementia care to people who are experiencing very severe behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD - which may also be described as responsive behaviours associated with dementia), who are unable to be effectively cared for by mainstream aged care services. Referrals for entry to the SDCP will be made directly to the Severe Behaviour Response Teams (SBRT) in accordance with SBRT processes.
This webinar will provide information on the key program components of assessment and entry into the SDCP, with a focus on the client journey demonstrated with the use of case studies.
If you are unable to attend the webinar, key information on the proposed pathway will be available at Facilitated roundtables will also be held in each state and territory from February/ March 2019 to provide further information on the assessment pathway for entry into the SDCP. Please go to for more information or email to receive updates.
Fri 18 Jan 2019, 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Click here to register.
Name The Dementia CentrePhone 02 8437 7355Email Review and adaption of the 7 Tiered model of behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia - informing future policy and practice
Created 17th January 2019
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