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The 2nd international Implementing the New Urban Agenda and SDGs Conference will be held in partnership with the 26th EAROPH World Congress, in Newcastle, NSW on the 1st and 2nd November, 2018.
The congress follows the successful inaugural conference in Melbourne in May 2017 where 240 delegates from 11 countries met for the first time following the signing of The New Urban Agenda in Quito in 2016.
This 2018 congress will be focused on the theme Affordable Living in Sustainable Cities: Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda.
We aim to make the congress a showcase for existing and planned actions that support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda. A key objective is to develop synergy and integration between these two critically important frameworks.
The congress features a packed program and there is something for everyone with eighteen strands and four plenary sessions covering urban renewal, sustainability, ethical cities, economic development and everything in between.
Thu 1 Nov 2018 - Fri 2 Nov 2018Thu 1: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PMFri 2: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Newcastle City Hall, 290 King Street, Newcastle 2300
Congress Registrations
We are delighted to have you join us in Newcastle. The venue only has the capacity for 300 delegates each day, so please don’t wait too long to secure your ticket.
SPECIAL OFFER | NEWCASTLE, HUNTER and CENTRAL COAST DELEGATESCongress organisers are pleased to offer a discounted rate for people living and/or working in the Newcastle, Hunter, Central Coast local government areas.The flexible rate of $120.00 will allow you to attend sessions of your choice over the two days.
Name Michelle FaithfullPhone 02 4920 2600Email nuaconference@compasshousing.orgLink Affordable Living in Sustainable Cities Congress in Newcastle
Created 26th October 2018
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