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Day 1 of 2

Embolden2018 is a Conference/Festival for service providers and older people. It draws on the World Health Organisation's framework for an Age-friendly World to explore innovations that: challenge ageism; promote respect for older people; celebrate ageing; and build age-friendly services and communities. These factors contribute to primary prevention of Elder Abuse.

Embolden provides an important opportunity for service providers and older people to learn from each other about resources for change. It recognises older people's capacity to co-design, co-produce and co-lead innovations and takes an engaging approach to learning about change - including a Market of Great Ideas, Kitchen Table presentations, a Fashion Parade and Internalised Ageism workshop.


  • Challenge ageism: approaches to challenge ageism in the media, in policy and the broader community; the impacts of internalised ageism and approaches to prevent internalisation; addressing ageist myths such as the absence of gender and sexuality. 
  • Promote respect for older people: strategies to promote respect for older people in families and the broader community; Geri-activism and the role of older people in leading change
  • Celebrate Ageing: projects and activities to promote healthy or active ageing; strategies for healing in times of grief and loss; and approaches to promoting wellbeing, building social connection and reducing homelessness. 
  • Build an Age-Friendly World: implementation of the WHO framework for an Age-Friendly World; including Age-Friendly families, communities, services, workplaces; and the intersections between Age-Friendly and Dementia-Friendly initiatives. ​


Tue 9 Oct 2018 - Wed 10 Oct 2018
Wed 10: 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Tue 9: 10:30 AM - 5:00 PM


St Kilda Town Hall, Carlise Street St Kilda Melbourne


Registration is now open - click the link here for register on the EventBrite page. Registration for this two day event is inclusive of the Market of Great Ideas, Fashion Parade, lunch and tea/coffee and ranges from $49 for unwaged/seniors to $186 for service providers/waged.


Link Embolden2018 is a Conference/Festival for service

Created 31st July 2018

Reads 3148