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Following on from the success of the Asia Pacific Autism Conferences held every second year over the last eight years beginning in Sydney in 2009, the Asia Pacific Autism Conference 2017 (APAC 17) returns to Darling Harbour, Sydney to the new International Convention Centre.
The conference provides a tremendous opportunity to bring together members of the international autism community from across Australia, this region and from around the world in this wonderful new venue. The Australian Advisory Board on Autism Spectrum Disorders is the conference convenor for the Asia Pacific Autism Conference (APAC) and the hosting organisation for APAC 17 is Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect).
'Growing with autism' is the conference theme, reflecting the shift in autism research and practice to look beyond the early childhood and school years and focus on the whole lifespan for people on the spectrum.
The conference brings together people on the spectrum and their family members, service providers, researchers and policy makers as one community, so that people on the spectrum can realise potential and achieve their very best.
Thu 7 Sep 2017 9:00 AM - Sat 9 Sep 2017 5:00 PM
International Convention Centre (ICC) Sydney
click here
Created 16th August 2017
Reads 6164