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National Disability Services NSW 2017 Conference

Day 2 of 2

Theme: Turning Plans Into Outcomes

The 2017 NSW conference will combine contemporary evidence, research and practical conversations to support providers. It will address topics such as complex needs, safeguarding, social inclusion, disability employment as well as achieving outcomes, for participants, for organisations and for our rapidly expanding workforce.

This conference will feature keynote addresses from Disability Discrimination Commissioner, Alistair McEwin and key government agencies including the National Disability Insurance Agency and the NSW Ombudsman. You will also hear from NDS Chief Executive Ken Baker, panels of NDIS providers and participants.

The first day of the conference will conclude with the presentation of the NSW Industry Innovation Awards to showcase the innovative practices of disability service organisations and individuals working with people with disability.

Attendance at the conference will provide you with the latest information and valuable insights into how your organisation can operate and innovate in the NDIS marketplace. As with past NSW conferences, disability service CEOs, managers, staff and board members will gain a great deal from attending. Government staff will also find the conference program rewarding.




Thu 23 Feb 2017 - Fri 24 Feb 2017
Thu 23: 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM
Fri 24: 8:30 AM - 3:15 PM


Hilton, Sydney, NSW


Easy Registration Online



Created 16th January 2017

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