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On behalf of the Organising Committee it is our immense pleasure to invite you to join us for the Home Modifications Australia (MOD.A) National Conference taking place from 28-29 April 2016 at the National Convention Centre in Canberra.
This Conference is an exciting opportunity for delegates to hear about the latest in home modifications and to network and share their knowledge with other providers in the sector. The programme will include (international) plenary speakers, oral presentations across different themes and an extensive trade and exhibition component.
This years’ Conference – Modifying the Home: Building-Inclusion-Practice – will highlight the latest research and evidence-base available in the home modification sector, bring together some of the world’s most prominent experts in the field, highlight innovative service providers and provide an opportunity for delegates to inform future policy directions in aged and disability care.
Canberra provides a beautiful location for our national conference and April is the perfect time to visit the nation’s capital. Be sure to join our mailing list below for conference updates. We look forward to welcoming you to Canberra.
Michael Bleasdale MODA 2016 Conference Chair CEO, Home Modifications Australia
The theme for the Home Modifications Conference 2016 is ‘Modifying the Home - BUILDING INCLUSION PRACTICE’. Delegates will have the opportunity to hear about and share information about international best practice in home modifications.
Conference presenters and exhibitors will showcase innovation in modifying the homes of older people and people with disability, while keynote speakers and panel sessions will address the big issues of how reform policy will impact on the sector, how accreditation will guarantee quality, and what providers will need to do to meet the challenges of working in an individualised, consumer-driven service market.
The conference will be an opportunity to meet with providers from across the country as well as with administrators, suppliers and leading academics. Delegates will be able to take stock of the health of the sector in Australia and internationally, and discuss how services will need to adapt to the changes still occuring in disability and aged care. Presentations will deal with core challenges of an increasingly diverse market, and exhibitors will demonstrate the application of new technology to increase the functional capacity of individuals in their home.
The Program at this Conference will feature key-note lectures, skills workshops, policy seminars, academic sessions and panel discussions.
Thu 28 Apr 2016 - Fri 29 Apr 2016Thu 28: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PMFri 29: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
National Convention Centre, Canberra31 Constitution Ave,Canberra ACT 2601
The National Convention Centre is located just 7km from Canberra airport and minutes walk from a range of accommodation options and the city centre, with easy access to a number of Canberra's attractions.
Registration Type
Early Bird Rate*Available on or before 26 February 2016
Standard Rate 27 February 2016 – 25 April 2016
Onsite Rate26 – 29 April 2016
Member registration
Non-member registration
Disability Subsidy Rate**
Registration fees listed above are in Australian Dollars (A$) and inclusive of goods and services tax (GST).
*To be entitled to the early registration fee you must have registered and paid by 26 February 2016.
**To be entitled to the Disability Subsidy Rate, please contact the Conference Managers with your details and provide a copy of your Concession Card (e.g. DSP Card or Health Care Card). Carers that need to attend will be provided complimentary registration, please supply a copy of the Companion Card Number.
Name Arinex Pty LtdPhone +61 2 9265 0700Link -
Created 8th December 2015
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