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Translating high quality research specific to better design and building practice
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WORKSHOP: A Practical Introduction to Home Modifications (VIC)

Day 1 of 2

Do you prescribe or recommend the installation of grab rails, ramps and bathroom modifications?
Develop your skills and confidence in home modifications by attending this practical workshop.

The workshop is suitable for therapists who prescribe modifications to the home environment, whether you are a recent graduate or an established Occupational Therapist wanting to further develop your knowledge and skills. You will have the opportunity to share your own knowledge and experience, and to refine your existing skills, through a combination of lectures, workshops and case scenarios.

By attending this workshop you will:

  • Learn a process for structuring and communicating your clinical reasoning about home modifications, based on occupational therapy theory
  • Understand the process of assessment, consultant involvement, recommendation generation, funding applications and sign-off
  • Be exposed to factors to consider when installing grab rails and ramps, or modifying bathrooms
  • Obtain advice about liaising with consultants and building professionals e.g., Archicentre, plumbers
  • Receive a basic outline of the relevant Australian Standards (particularly AS1428.1)
  • Refresh your knowledge on how to draw sketch plans for a room or access point
  • Have the opportunity to discuss alternative solutions to standard equipment and design
  • Apply your new knowledge to case studies

Karen Roberts, Occupational Therapist, and Frank Ortolan, Architect.


Fri 27 Nov 2015 9:00 AM - Sat 28 Nov 2015 4:00 PM


Holmesglen Conference Centre, Chadstone VIC


Member Price: $550.00 (incl gst)
Non-member Price: AU $ 850 (incl gst)


Name Occupational Therapy Australia
Link A Practical Introduction to Home Modifications (VIC)

Created 20th July 2015

Reads 4899