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ACSA Victoria Forum

The aged care reforms require significant change to both business and financial strategies for aged and community care providers.

With the ongoing aged care reforms providers are continuously seeking up-to-date
information from various areas of expertise.

Following on from our successful Finance Forum in April this year, we have expanded the
topics to cover not just financial issues, but areas that are practical and will assist the
provider in their day-to-day operations.

The Forum is designed for both residential and community aged care providers and topics will be of interest to most staff working in the sector.

We invite you to join us to explore this essential and rapidly changing aspect of our sector.


Fri 30 Oct 2015, 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM


Rydges on Swanston, 701 Swanston Street, Melbourne


Registration fees: $320 ACSA Members; $350 Non Members (includes GST)

Group Discounts for 3 or more


Link -

Created 29th September 2015

Reads 2074