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The 14th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons - Lisbon, Portugal

Day 1 of 4

The 14th TRANSED conference will be hosted by Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), a prestigious school of Engineering, Science and Technology of the Universidade de Lisboa  (

IST, well known by its short name Técnico, created in 1911, is the largest and most reputed school of Engineering, Science and Technology in Portugal.

Research and Development at Técnico is performed in institutes, research centers and research groups, among which CESUR, Centre for Urban and Regional Systems, at the Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Georesources, where the group of researchers hosting the Conference belongs.

The organizing team is an emerging young group of great potential, with internationally recognized Transport researchers and a wide and multidisciplinary research spectrum with 10 permanent members in charge of research and teaching, plus around 30 students with scholarships for Master and PhD courses, usually covering 4 to 5 nationalities. The senior members of this team have had a strong involvement in several international organizations promoting transportation since early nineties. Hosting the 14th TRANSED Conference in Lisbon will be of great importance for the networking and boost of the younger generation of this group, in the domain of mobility impairment as consequence of physical, logical and financial circumstances. Associated to this group and taking part of the Scientific and Steering Committee of the Conference, in the role of Vice Chair of TRANSED 2015, Prof Anabela Simões who has a long standing participation in this series of conferences.

The TRANSED 2015 International Conference has received the formal endorsement of representatives of all stakeholders, namely: Government, Public Administration, Foundation for Science and Technology, Universities, and Transport and Infrastructure Operators, who will support the conference in several aspects.

The conference venue is the ‘Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’, a cultural centre (with museums and a congress centre) located in an urban garden. The premises, including its lush gardens, are fully adapted to people with reduced mobility. The available rooms for the conference are an auditorium with 334 seats and 3 rooms with 134, 120 and 80 seats. A videoconference system is available to broadcast the sessions from the auditorium to parallel rooms, in case extra capacity is needed. The venue is an enclosed space with priority to the pedestrians. This venue option was also considered because of is excellent accessibility to public transport.

The nearby hotels offer a number of fully accessible rooms. The delegates can reach the conference facilities from the recommended hotels in a walking travel time range of 4-12 minutes.

The main objective of the Conference remains to promote and encourage the development of transport services and systems that meet the needs of people with some sort of disability through the exchange and dissemination of knowledge and experience. Participants should expect to obtain information on new cases and experiences, new knowledge, new opportunities to cooperate, added value contacts to enhance their networks and last but not least return home with effective new knowledge development that will enable a more ambitious aim setting and manage for inclusive access for all types of temporary or permanent disabilities.


Tue 28 Jul 2015 8:30 AM - Fri 31 Jul 2015 4:30 PM


Museu Calouste Gulbenkian, Avenida Berna, Lisbon, Portugal


Link -

Created 18th March 2015

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