The Forum intent is to include presentations and discussions about Indigenous mapping, wayfinding and housing; Access Standards update; communications; and more accessible and equitable housing. The program will be circulated shortly.
Afternoon workshop sessions will provide opportunities for community, industry and government stakeholders to work together – towards achieving more accessible and equitable outcomes.
Registration closes on 31 October 2014. To register, or for more information, please phone 02 6552 9333 or visit Forum places are limited.
Live captioning will be provided, the venue is accessible.
Please advise us of any additional requirements.
Tue 18 Nov 2014, 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Standards Australia Level 10 20 Bridge St Sydney
Registration fee is $50 payable to St George Bank BSB 112 879 Account 410808862No charge for Standards Australia, ANUHD or RI Australia members
Phone 02 6552 9333Link -
Created 20th October 2014
Reads 2135