The National Disability Insurance Agency presents the third NDIS Webinar:
‘A Strong Voice’ will focus on self-advocacy, and how people with disability take control of their own lives to speak for themselves with greater confidence. Our panel of guests will discuss ways that self-advocacy has helped them to make informed choices about their reasonable and necessary supports and achieve their personal goals as valued, contributing and included members of the community. Strong self-advocates will bring stories from their own lives and share with you their insights into self-advocacy as part of a panel discussion. Our guests will answer your questions about how to build self-advocacy into your own life.
Thursday 27 February 2014 at 12:00pm (AEST)
The NDIA invites people with disability, family members, carers, advocates, support providers and community members to join the discussion online and contribute to the conversation.
Please register your attendance at or phone 1800 800 110. On the day you can join the webinar here NDIS Webinar - ‘A Strong Voice: Self-Advocacy’. You can test your connection before the webinar using this test link.
Take part in the conversation. Online viewers can contribute to the conversation by submitting questions and comments to , via Twitter using the hashtag #NDISWEBINAR or via the Livechat facility. Visit the NDIS website for more information.
Thu 27 Feb 2014, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Link -
Created 18th February 2014
Reads 2263