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Utzon Lecture - Professor Satoshi Kose

Please join us for a celebration of the new Australian School of Architecture and Design and the final instalment of the 2013 Utzon Lecture Series

Designing dwellings toward a highly aged society: Japanese experience as a forerunner

Professor Satoshi Kose, Shizuoka University of Art and Culture

Wednesday 6th November, 2013
6:30pm for a 7:00pm start
Chemical Sciences M17 Lecture Theatre, UNSW Kensington Campus (Map Ref F10)

Abstract In the mid-1980s, Japan was told that it will become a very highly aged society in the years to come. To cope with the rapid change, a research and development project was conducted with government funding, followed by policy implementation of several kinds, in particular the proposal of dwelling design concepts acceptable in people's later years.The lecture attempts to report progresses of government initiatives, and discusses the remaining issues to be resolved to bring about an inclusive society.

Satoshi Kose is a professor of Graduate School of Design, Shizuoka University of Art and Culture. He is specialized in the field of building use and safety, human factors, and universal design. Before joining the university, he has been with the Building Research Institute of Japan, where he worked for years to develop dwelling design guidelines toward the ageing society in Japan, and became among the first awardees of the Ron Mace Design for the 21st Century Award in June 2000. He was also given salutation during the Include 2003 Conference in London in March 2003. In 2010, he received an Excellent Paper Award at the International Conference for Universal Design in Hamamatsu. In 2012, he received another Excellent Paper Award (as a co-author) at the International Conference for Universal Design in Fukuoka. He was instrumental in hosting the International Conference for Universal Design in Yokohama 2002, and subsequently served as the chair of Paper Review Committee when the second Conference was held in Kyoto 2006, and the third Conference in Hamamatsu in 2010. In 2012, he was the vice chair of the Committee. He served as a resource person for JICA/APCD Project on Building Non]Handicapping Environments in the UN]ESCAP area between 2000 and 2004. He has published many papers on designing for the ageing society and universal design, including a chapter in the Universal Design Handbook from McGraw Hill (2001/ rev.2010). He graduated from the University of Tokyo in 1971, and received his Engineering Doctorate on domestic stair safety in 1986.


For more information, contact


Wed 6 Nov 2013, 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM


Chemical Sciences M17 Lecture Theatre, UNSW Kensington Campus (Map Ref F10)




Phone (02) 9385 4800
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Created 22nd August 2013

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