Day 2 of 2
A conference for organisations looking to provide alternative options to residential aged care.
The conference will bring together state disability services and health representatives, care and accommodationproviders, consumers, key national bodies and researchers to discuss how to ensure this group has greater choiceand control in terms of their support options.A diverse two day program will feature an international perspective from the UK, as well as a number of case studyled presentations, including:• The ACT approach to the NDIS• Perspectives of YPINH in the Barwon NDIS launch site• Assistive technology to support people with high needs in individual units• Development of a model of care to address rehabilitation system gaps• Reducing length of stay in hospital• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians support• Supporting decisions for individuals with intellectual disability and those with severe traumatic brain injury• Hear from the perspective of a family member (parent) and the case manager• Vicki Wilkinson is in her 40’s, a mother of two, and she lives in a nursing home. Vicki shares her journey,from a Human Rights perspective• Three young people with disability share their journey of systemic advocacy
Mon 17 Jun 2013 9:00 AM - Tue 18 Jun 2013 5:00 PM
Novotel Melbourne on Collins 270 Collins Street Melbourne Vic 3000 Tel 03 9667 5800 Fax 03 9669
Created 6th May 2013
Reads 2548