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RehabTech Asia Conference 2013

Day 2 of 3

With the increased application of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and legislative changes to laws affecting people with disabilities in Asia, there is growing interest in self-determined living and long-term healthcare. Technological advancement also means that there are now more opportunities for personal growth, employment and overall better quality of life for the disabled community. RehabTech Asia is therefore both timely and strategic.

RehabTech Asia aims to be the first preeminent trade exhibition-cum-conference where academics, clinicians, end-users, policymakers, and suppliers can gather on a single dedicated platform. Through the presentation of the latest findings and newest innovations in assistive technology (AT), integrated care and rehabilitation engineering (RE), RehabTech Asia will be a channel for stakeholders to exchange knowledge and conduct meaningful discussions with one another to maximise the health and well-being of people with disabilities, care requirements and chronic conditions through technology.




Wed 27 Feb 2013 - Fri 1 Mar 2013 (All day)






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Created 18th January 2012

Reads 3167