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Health & Safety Committee Training Package for the Disability Sector

Significant WHS legislation changes were introduced January 1 2012.

NDS Disability Safe conducted a number of workshops to provide advice to the sector on the changes.
To assist disability service providers to comply with the new requirements, a number of new resources and further workshops have been developed by Disability Safe. The Disability Safe website has been updated to reflect these changes.

Disability Safe is an initiative funded by the Industry Development Fund. The objectives of the Disability Safe initiative are to inform the establishment of a consistent approach to reasonably practicable risk management in the disability service environment and to embed a culture of safe work practices across the sector.

Online training
Leading WHS in the Disability Sector , the online training course for managers and supervisors is now reflecting the new legislative requirements. A great resource for new people to the sector, or for ongoing refreshers for existing staff. A completion certificate will be provided upon completion.

Online Reporting Database
Do you have a hazard and incident management system that allows you to keep all records in one place, is easily accessible, and provides you with reports on safety performance and trends? Check out the features of NDS Online WHS here.

New resources
Is your WHS system up to date and compliant with the new legislation? A checklist has been developed for members which may assist you to review your WHS management system. It has links to resources which will give you more information in specific areas.

New factsheets have been uploaded, on topics including First Aid, Residual Current Devices and Fire Safety are also available from the Disability Safe website.

A further workshop to brief the sector on the new WHS legislation has been scheduled for 28 August 2012 in Sydney. This workshop is for any managers who have not attended previous workshops. Registrations for this workshop must be received by 10 August by emailing

New Training available soon!
A Health & Safety Committee Training Package for the Disability Sector has been developed and is currently being trialled before final release. More information available soon.

Further assistance
Organisations requiring assistance with reviewing their WHS policies and procedures or other WHS questions can contact Sue Smith, Disability Safe Project Manager at or 02 9256 3121.

Contact Information:
Sue Smith, Disability Safe Project Manager NDS NSW, Ph 02 9256 3121,


Tue 28 Aug 2012, 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM


Link -

Created 22nd August 2012

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