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Australia’s Health 2012 conference

Australia’s health 2012 conference - Have we got what it takes?

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare is proud to launch their flagship report Australia's health 2012 at a national conference in Canberra on Thursday 21 June 2012.

The conference will highlight the latest authoritative information on the heath of Australians, and the Australian health system, in the context of health reforms.

The full conference program including speaker details, biographies, conference fees, accommodation and parking details can be found on the conference website.

As part of the conference registration you are one of the first to receive a free copy of Australia's Health 2012.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to network with the nation’s leading thinkers and decision-makers!

Please click here for more information.


Thu 21 Jun 2012, 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM


National Convention Centre, Constitution Avenue, Canberra City.


$495-Full (Govt/Business), $330-NGO (not-for-profit) and $195-Concession (student/pensioner) - all prices include GST.


Link -

Created 20th March 2012

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