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Disability Inclusive Research Collaboration Conference (DIRCC) 2012

Day 1 of 2

Research Rights: Disability Inclusion Change 13-14 June at the University of Sydney.


The conference is being organised by a group which includes

organisations of and for people with disability, and universities and

their research centres.


For more information visit  Registration: Call

02 9036 4789




Professor Christine Bigby, is Leader of the Living with Disability

Research Group, at La Trobe University. Christine has an established

national and international reputation for her research on aging with

a lifelong disability and the social inclusion of adults with

intellectual disability. The focus of her work is policy issues,

program effectiveness and the quality of front line practice to

support engagement and inclusion.


Dr. Sally French is an Associate Lecturer at the Open University, UK

where she teaches health, social care and social science courses. Her

current research interests include the history of disability and the

experiences of disabled people in health and social care. Much of her

work in the area of Disability Studies has its roots in her earlier

work as a care assistant and a physiotherapist and her experiences as

a disabled person.


Dr. Edurne Garcia Iriarte is Director of the M.Sc. in Disability

Studies at the School of Social Work and Social Policy, Trinity

College Dublin, Ireland. Edurne has worked at both the University of

Illinois at Chicago and the National Institute for Intellectual

Disability, Trinity College Dublin where she has supported people

with disability to join research teams as co-researchers.


Other speakers/panellists who will address the importance of

including people with disability as participants in research include:


Emeritus Professor Ron McCallum: Law School, University of Sydney and

member of the UN Monitoring Committee on the Convention on the Rights

of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD);


Senator the Hon. Jan McLucas,Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Carers; Robert Strike:

President, Self Advocacy Sydney and Director, NSW Council for

Intellectual Disability;


Therese Sands, Executive Director Leadership

Team, People with Disability Australia Inc;


John Walsh, Associate Commissioner to the Productivity Commission;


Leah Hobson, National Policy Officer, Australian Federation of Disability Organisations;



Dr. Ron Chalmers, Director, Disability Services Commission, Western Australia and Chair, National Disability Research and Development

Steering Committee, Disability Policy and Research Working Group.




  Natasha Layton


phone number: 03 9523 1136

fax number: 03 9533 0777


Wed 13 Jun 2012 - Thu 14 Jun 2012 (All day)


The Unviersity of Sydney


Name Natasha Layton
Link -

Created 28th May 2012

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