Practitioners involved in aids and equipment (assistive technology) are alerted to an opportunity at the Daily Living Expo in Melbourne next week, to contribute to the shaping of assistive technology services within the impending National Disablity Insurance Scheme.
A focus group will be conducted from 12-1pm at the ATSA Expo, upstairs mtg room, Caulfield Racecourse on 16 May 2012. This is being conducted on behalf of ARATA, who represent AT practitioners, suppliers, and consumers.
A sandwich lunch will be provided [please contact Michael Summers to register for catering purposes: or ph.
0439 324 098]
For more information on ARATA see;
or the NDIS project see
For more information on the ATSA Daily Living Expo itself can be
found at <>
Other sessions being held at the Expo can be viewed here:
Wed 16 May 2012, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Link -
Created 14th May 2012
Reads 1745