Day 1 of 2
We are in a time of unprecedented and transformative change. The significant shift towards more person centred ways of service delivery is just the start of a whole system overhaul that will enable people with disability to exercise greater choice and voice in the services and supports they need to live their lives.
Against the back-drop of a future National Disability Insurance Scheme and the current shift towards individualised, portable and self-directed funding arrangements, a new vision and role for disability service providers is emerging.
We've asked Government to be bold, courageous, to BRING IT ON! To make NSW NDIS ready by 2014 and to support the capacity of the NGO service sector to be the provider of choice for people with disability, their families and carers, we need to ask the tough question: Are YOU ready to be a leader for change?
Register Online: Registrations will conclude at 5pm on Wednesday, 8 February.
To go to the conference Web Page click here
Mon 13 Feb 2012 - Tue 14 Feb 2012 (All day)
Hilton Hotel, Sydney, NSW
Name Miriam Sosin - 02 9256 3133Link -
Created 3rd February 2012
Reads 2921