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Call for proposals - Symposium on Ergonomics for Persons with Disabilities

Day 2 of 5

The 18th International Ergonomics Association’s Congress on Ergonomics will be held from February 12-16, 2012, in Recife, Brazil.

An often overlooked factor in workstation design may be the presence of a disability.

The Symposium, Ergonomics for Persons with Disabilities will investigate how barriers (physical, psychological, cultural, among others) for persons with disabilities to participate fully in everyday activities, e.g., work, play, leisure, self care, and learning, can be addressed through ergonomics.

We encourage the submission of papers and posters that focus on this theme and which will showcase exemplar research, scholarly activities, advocacy work or case examples that will advance the application of ergonomics to this broad underserved population.

Some accepted papers may also be selected for publication in a special issue of the journal WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation (IOS Press). We are also soliciting referees for this theme, if you are interested; please send us your qualifications.

Please send your 300-800 proposal directly to Karen Jacobs () with copy to Marcelo Soares () and do not forget to check the instruction for submission on the Congress homepage at (Archived).


Sun 12 Feb 2012 - Thu 16 Feb 2012 (All day)


Pernambuco State Convention Center
Av. Professor Andrade Bezerra, s/n, Salgadinho Olinda, Recife, 53111-970


DescriptionPrice (USD)
IEA Council Members $752.00
Members of IEA Federated & Affiliated Societies $898.00
Non-IEA $1,045.00
ABERGO and ULAERGO members $606.00
Industrially Developing Countries (IDCs) $606.00
Students (Non-IDCs) $459.00
Students IDCs $313.00
Accompanying Person $146.00
Day Registration (per day) $380.00


Name Karen Jacobs and Marcelo Soares
Link -

Created 10th May 2011

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