Join the Heart Foundation, HBEP and PCAL for a FREE half day workshop on integrating walking (and cycling) in commercial precincts and centres design, using best practice from around the world. Guest Speaker
Guest Speaker
precincts, lead a walkshop in the commercial areas surrounding UNSW and suggest ways forward for NSW.
Thu 3 Nov 2011, 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
When: Thursday 3rd November 1:00 5:00pm
Where: UNSW Pioneer Theatre, AGSM Building (G27), (Near Gate 11, Botany St)
Cost: FREE
Light lunch and afternoon tea provided
To register, email Joanna York at or call on 02 9385 5445.
Event numbers are restricted and places are limited to two representatives per organisation.
Registrations will close on Thursday 20th October.
Link -
Created 29th September 2011
Reads 2454