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Ninth Asia/Oceania Regional Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics Conference Update: Planning for the 2011 Asia / Oceania Regional Congress of Geriatrics and Gerontology being held in Melbourne (October 23-27, 2011) continues to progress well. A productive planning meeting with planning committee members from across the region was held in late April. Invited speakers are almost finalised, and the call for submitted symposia will be made in the near future. A second ezine will be distributed in the near future, or you can find updates on the conference website:
Promotional slide for Regional Congress 2011 If any AAG member is presenting at a state, national or international conference in the coming 12 months, please contact the AAG national office ( or +61 7 3103 1391) for a promotional slide that you can use at the end of your powerpoint presentation to promote the 2011 Asia / Oceania Regional Congress of Geriatrics and Gerontology. This sort of additional promotion can be very effective in spreading the word about the conference to a wide audience of potentially relevant and interested persons. Contact: Congress Secretariat, ICMS Australasia, GPO Box 3005, Melbourne VIC 3205 Close of call for submitted symposia: May 2010 Call for abstracts (oral papers and posters): May 2010 Close of call for abstracts: October 2010 Registrations open: May 2010 Sponsorship and Exhibition Enquiries: P: +61 3 9682 0500 E:
Sun 23 Oct 2011 - Thu 27 Oct 2011 (All day)
Link -
Created 19th July 2010
Reads 4272