Dear OTs An invitation for you.... I am starting a Qld Home Modification Discussion Group and hope to have four meetings in the next year. The initial (draft) aims of the meetings:• to provide an opportunity for networking with other OTs and others working in the building industry interested in home modification practice • to explore common practice issues • to share resource information and practice experience • to discuss strategic issues that need to be addressed by the OT association, government etc in relation to current strategic policy and practice issuesThe first meeting will be held on Saturday 26 March from 10am - 12noon at LifeTec Qld at Newmarket, Brisbane. We will start with morning tea. Speakers will include: 1. Margaret Ward - presenting on the current activities of the Qld Action for Universal Housing Design Group 2. Brian Drummy - presenting on slippery floors and other surfaces and solutions to address this problem.I also hope to do some forward planning at the meeting for the remaining three meetings for the year. If you would like to attend, you are welcome to contact me on 0408 781 554. I am happy for you to pass this information onto any of your colleagues (builders, building designers, architects, other OTs) who might be interested in attending. Kind regards Liz Ainsworth Private Practice OT, Brisbane
Sat 26 Mar 2011, 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
LifeTec Qld at Newmarket, Brisbane
not listed
Name Lis AinsworthPhone 0408 781 554Link -
Created 21st February 2011
Reads 1704