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3rd International Urban Design Conference

Day 2 of 3

You are invited to submit an abstract for the 3rd International Urban Design Conference - Designs on our Future. Being held at the National Convention Centre, Canberra the conference will examine how our new cities are conceived and our existing ones are adapted, re-designed and managed.

The 2010 conference will provide an opportunity to examine what’s working well nationally and internationally in meeting the challenges which confront fast-changing communities.

The program will feature distinguished international and national keynote presenters.
Confirmed keynote presenters include;

The Hon Anthony Albanese MP - Leader of the House; Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government
Jeremy Harris - former Mayor of Hawaii, Sustainable Cities Institute USA
Richard Murray - Executive Director, Policy Co-ordination and Governance,
Australian Treasury
Prof Richard Weller - Winthrop professor of Landscape architecture,
University of WA
Prof Peter McDonald - Director of the Australian Demographic and Social Research Institute and Australian National University
Rod Fehring - Chief Executive Officer, Lend Lease Primelife and Chairman of the
Housing and Urban Research Institute.

For more information about the conference or to submit an abstract please visit the conference website here.



Mon 30 Aug 2010 - Wed 1 Sep 2010 (All day)


National Convention Centre Canberra


Name Sarah Hoekwater
Phone (07) 5528 2501
Link -

Created 14th April 2010

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