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‘Today’s News: Tomorrow’s Opportunities’ is the theme for the 2010 ACQI State Conference and Trade Exhibition. ACQI would like to invite you to the headline Queensland conference which will be held at Conrad Jupiters, Gold Coast from 17-19 March 2010. The Conference program offers quality speakers who will captivate and inform attending delegates.
Program The program offers an array of exciting plenary speakers as well as concurrent sessions tailored to the Residential Care, Retirement Living and Community Care sectors. This year’s program will offer Site Tours for delegates to get a first hand look at the operations of other facilities. For the list of speakers and their biographies, click here
Networking The program offers many opportunities for delegates to network with their peers. The Regional Networking Dinner, Cocktail Reception and Conference Dinner, which features the Excellence in Care Awards, are always well attended. Trade Exhibition… - The Conference is well supported by a 62 trade exhibition where the leaders in the industry will showcase their products and services to the delegates.
Pre Conference Workshop Tuesday 16 March is a day of Stream Workshop which will offer a variety of informative sessions.
Wed 17 Mar 2010 - Fri 19 Mar 2010 (All day)
Conrad Jupiters, Gold Coast, Australia.
Name ACQ Conference & Event ManagementPhone 07 3725 5588 Link -
Created 16th February 2010
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