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Enabling Environments” Around the World A Free Public Lecture at UNSW By Prof Edward Steinfeld

"Enabling Environments” Around the World"

Prof Edward Steinfeld

IDeA Center, State University of New York (SUNY), Buffalo, NY, USA 


Tuesday 8 December 9:30-11:30am

Free Public Lecture

Rex Vowels Theatre, The University of New South Wales


The Centre for Health Assets Australasia (CHAA) invites you to this public lecture. It is a wonderful opportunity to hear from a highly regarded international speaker on the opportunities and challenges related to creating more enabling environments globally. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) addresses the exclusion of persons with disabilities by taking a human rights approach to standards of inclusion and accessibility. The Convention emphasises that limited access or lack of accessibility in various ways often results in human rights violations.


Enabling environments provide support for full participation among populations with diverse characteristics, including functional diversity. Stakeholders on the international, national and local levels must communicate, develop, adopt and implement best accessibility practices and policies. Enabling environments must address external constraints including affordability of the proposed solution, availability of technology and knowledge, linguistic variations and other needs of traditionally underserved groups and regions. Policy makers must themselves be empowered through knowledge about best practices and policy guidelines to adopt and implement legislation and regulations. Policy adoption and implementation must be monitored to assess progress based on measures that reflect the intent of the CRPD.


Prof Steinfeld is an architect and gerontologist and the founder and Director of the Center for Inclusive Design and Environmental Analysis (IDeA). The IDeA Center practices human centred design through research, development, service, dissemination and educational activities. The primary goal of the Center is to produce knowledge and tools that will increase social participation of groups like people with disabilities and the older generation, who have been marginalised by traditional design practices.


VENUE ACCESSIBILITY The Rex Vowels Theatre is wheelchair accessible and a hearing loop will be available. If you require any other support in order to participate in the lecture, such as access to sign language interpreters, please inform us when you register. If you have questions concerning support needs or want to request sign language interpreters, please RSVP as soon as possible.


RSVP by 28 November, 2009


For more information, contact NICO WANANDY, Centre for Health Assets Australasia, UNSW (02) 9385 5619 or  



Tue 8 Dec 2009, 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM


Rex Vowels Theatre, The University of New South Wales, Kensinton Campus


Name Nico Wanandy
Phone (02) 9385 5619
Link -

Created 16th November 2009

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