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6th National Housing Conference

Day 4 of 4

The Victorian Office of Housing and the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI) will host the 6th National Housing Conference at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre from Tuesday 24 to Friday 27 November 2009.

The aim of the biennial National Housing Conferences is to provide an opportunity for sharing, debating and promoting ideas in housing and homelessness research, policy and practice.

The theme this year is Housing in a new era: building the connections and the conference will explore the essential connections between housing, people, place, community and nation and will propose innovative solutions and partnerships to guide Australia’s approach to housing and homelessness policy reform into the future.

Everyone involved in Australia’s housing and homelessness policy and practice, including policy makers, housing and allied service providers, tenants, researchers, planners, not-for-profit housing and homelessness organisations, and the private sector, is encouraged to attend.


For information about the program, click here.



Tue 24 Nov 2009 - Fri 27 Nov 2009 (All day)


Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Victoria, Australia



Standard (before 23/10/2009)
For delegates employed by a non-government, not-for-profit organisation to attend the full Conference:
Full Non-government and not-for-profit sector registration $825
Day registration $380

For delegates employed by a government department, academic or research institution or a commercial organisation to attend the full Conference:
Full Government and commercial sector registration $970
Day registration $530

Specially subsidised fee for full-time students to attend the Conference. Delegates must be a full-time student at the time of the Conference and hold a student concession card:
Full full-time students registration $250

Late (after 23/10/2009)
Full Non-government and not-for-profit sector registration $990
Day registration $430

Full Government and commercial sector registration $1150
Day registration $585

Full full-time students registration $250

All fees are quoted in Australian dollars (AUD) and are inclusive of 10% GST.




Link 6th National Housing Conference (Archived)

Created 7th September 2009

Reads 3274