Day 11 of 11
Dubbo – Tuesday 18th AugustPaint / Word Drawing for home mods (combined with BasicGoogle SU7 CAD training) – Morning sessionCoffs Harbor – Friday 21st AugustPaint / Word Drawing for home mods (combined with BasicGoogle SU7 CAD training) – Morning sessionOverviewA 1.5 hour training session for occupational therapists in the use ofMicrosoft Office Paint and Word Art programs to create electronichome modification recommendations. Training is provided by ‘e-AlliedHealth Informatics’ and is conducted by Melanie Dennis(occupational therapist).Computers are provided (with the software installed) so session iscompletely ‘hands on’. You will gain practical experience creatinghome modification recommendations like those shown.Objectives• Create electronic home modification recommendations using standardcomputer programs such as Paint and Word Drawing Tools.• Edit and ‘draw’ directly onto digital images like those shown opposite• deal with logistical issues concerning sharing diagrams electronically
Tue 18 Aug 2009 - Fri 28 Aug 2009 (All day)
Brisbane – Tuesday 25th August Paint / Word Drawing for home mods – 8:30am – 10:00am Paint / Word Drawing for home mods – 10:30am – 12 noon (Further session may become available Wed 26th if required) Cairns – Friday 28th August Paint / Word Drawing for home mods (combined with Basic Google SU7 CAD training) – Morning session
Name Numbers will be limited. Please email Melanie DennLink -
Created 31st July 2009
Reads 9253