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Include 2009 Inclusive design into innovation: transforming practice in design, research and business. Include 2009 builds on the previous four Include conferences by exploring how inclusive design practice in design, research and business can lead towards innovation in people centred design.
The programme for Include 2009 will comprise a series of professional designer workshops, design debates, paper and poster presentations on the theme of Inclusive design into innovation: transforming practice in design, research and business. Papers from all areas of the inclusive design community including: designers; design managers; design researchers; academic researchers; design educators and design commissioners. In addition, papers on user experiences of design practice, process and outcome from voluntary sector organisations and policy makers and commentators.
Sun 5 Apr 2009 - Wed 8 Apr 2009 (All day)
International conference on Inclusive Design Royal College of Art, London, UK 5-8 April 2009
Created 8th October 2008
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