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Posted 26th August 2004 at 5:00 PM Author Guest Last Edited 27th June 2012 at 6:40 PM
"The issue of an accommodation Standard has been raised with the DDA Standards Project as yet another area where there should be a focus." (see the web DDA Standards website at quick cut and paste summary of the most up to date information follows:Housing and accommodation of people with a disability continues to come under the spotlight of funding bodies, regulators, the media and the general community. [The] Commonwealth Attorney-General [was approached] to seek clarification on section 25 of the DDA, to determine whether an Accommodation Standard would include services as well as structures. The response was that there was limited resources, and the priorities had to be on the existing standards of Transport, Education and Access to Premises. {So this area is currently inactive}Discussions have since taken part with officers from the Attorney General's Department, however, which confirms that an Accommodation Standard would include services within a structure.It also seems that such a Standard could be divided into three specific areas, these being:1. Disability specific accommodation (i.e. specific care facilities for people with an intellectual disability);2. Emergency accommodation such as shelters; and3. Mainstream accommodation such motels, caravan parks and rental etc.The DDA Standards Project is keen to progress work in this area and seeks expressions of interest from anyone within the sector who is interested in being involved.
Julie Cameron
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