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Provided by the HMinfo Clearinghouse
Translating high quality research specific to better design and building practice
Translating high quality research specific to better design and building practice

Specialist Review Panels

The Specialist Review Panels provide HMinfo with the expertise for a comprehensive review process for their published documents. The review aims to fulfil the function of a traditional academic peer review of HMinfo documents by researchers in the same field. However, the review also contributes the valuable knowledge of experts in other fields, including design, building and healthcare, as well as the experiences of people with a wide range of disabilities.

The Specialist Review Panels are comprised of three regular panels of four to seven members: the Consumer Panel, Industry Panel, and Research Panel. These panels provide specialist advice and represent the viewpoint of a wide range of stakeholders. Accordingly, panel membership aims to include members with various backgrounds and experiences. At times, publications may require the co-opting of people with a specific specialty or expertise, as guest expert reviewers.

The process for Specialist Review is outlined in the HMinfo Specialist Review Panel: Terms of Reference. Specialist Review Panel members complete their review with submission of the Feedback Form: Specialist Review.

Members of our Review Panels as at June 2015 include:


Research Panel

Karen Roberts Caulfield General Medical Centre
Professor Lindy Clemson Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Sydney
Associate Professor Stephen Harfield School of Architecture, University of Technology Sydney
Professor Satoshi Kose Department of Architecture, Faculty of Design,
Shizuoka University of Art and Culture
Dr Jordana Maisel Adjunct Assistant Professor, School of Architecture and Planning, University at Buffalo
Kay Saville-Smith Centre for Research, Evaluation and Social Assessment (CRESA)
Dr Michelle Donelly Southern Cross University

Industry Panel

Beverley Garlick Royal Australian Institute of Architects, NSW
Francis Lenny & Con Livanos Association of Consultants in Access
Nicholas Loder NSW Land & Housing Corporation (guest expert)
John Templeman Home Modifications Australia (MOD.A)
Vanessa Richards Upper Hunter Home Modification and Maintenance Service
Pamela Arndt and Karen Campbell DVA Advisors for ABC Rehab
Julian Werrett 3 Bridges Community
David Lebnan Eversafe Electrical Services
Lyndal Millikan iCare

Consumer Panel

Keith Shinn Deafness Forum of Australia
Glen Redmayne Marrickville Council
Consumer representative MS Society Ltd
Greg Killeen Spinal Cord Injuries Australia
Dr Janice Herbert National Seniors
Emma Bartley and Jen Moon Guide Dogs NSW/ACT