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Setting an agenda for disability research in Australia: consultation report


This report presents the results of the Phase 2b consultation conducted with 974 individuals from 21 non-government organisations (NGOs), including service providers and disabled peoples’ organisations (DPOs), the First Nations-focused National Disability Research Agenda survey and online focus groups and in-depth interviews with people with augmentative and alternative communication needs.

It is part of multi-phase research agenda setting exercise that has been conducted to understand existing disability research in Australia and consult with the disability sector to understand their priorities for disability research. This research was funded by the National Disability Research Partnership (NDRP) to underpin their development of an agenda for Australian disability research over the next decade.

This research involved three phases:

  1. Mapping of recent Australian research related to people with disability
  2. Consultation with people with disability and their representative organisations; researchers; families and supporters; service providers; governments and other stakeholders to identify key issues. The consultation included a survey.
  3. Synthesis and refinement of findings from the first two phases to contribute to setting an agenda for disability research in Australia.

You can download all reports from the APO website.


Mary-Ann O'Donovan, Angela Dew, Christine Imms, Jennifer Smith-Merry, Bronwyn Hemsley, John Gilroy, Ariella Meltzer, Ivy Yen, Kathy Ellem, Arne Mueller, Simon Darcy, Tadgh McMahon, Rachel Spencer, Kevin Murfitt, Adam Guastella, Jennifer Plumb, Gemma Carey, Keith McVilly, Amie O'Shea, Gisselle Gallego
National Disability Research Partnership, Centre for Disability Research and Policy

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